
  • The Athens Area Horse Community

    Athens Area Horse Community logo

    The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man. Horses are what bind us together with our friends and family, and even new friends that become family. Every day we lose green space to development – not just the land where our horses live, but also farms where grain and hay…

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  • Winter Time Blues

    Does the winter time give you the blues? With all the cold we have had lately, it sure can dampen a rider’s spirits. And speaking of dampening, all this rain makes me wonder if I need floaties for my horses? Even in the South, the cold and wet weather can bring on concerns for our…

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  • Spring Is Coming

    While many horse owners are ready to cut back on their hay and feed bills and enjoy the bounty that spring has to offer, for some it means grazing muzzles and metabolic issues are on the horizon. What is the big deal with spring grass? Who has to be careful and why? Let’s look at…

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  • Managing the Mud

    While many Georgians are praying for rain, all equestrians know the troubles that come with that double-edged sword, the mud. It never seems to matter how much or when, the mud always makes an appearance. More than simply a nuisance, muddy conditions can be unsafe for horse and rider causing slips and falls, create health…

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  • A horse’s athletic performance can be altered or affected by many things such as genetics, training, environment, health and nutrition. In particular, nutrition can play a large role in achieving peak athletic performance in horses by providing the necessary fuels (energy). The main fuels are fats and carbohydrates, in the forms of free fatty acids…

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  • Natural Disaster Preparedness

    With Hurricane Ian in our past, many horses were displaced along the coast of Florida. As hurricane season is upon us, it is time to start thinking about how to prepare and develop a plan to keep you and your livestock safe in the event of a natural disaster like a hurricane. Catastrophic weather events…

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  • Fencing for Horses

    While fences can be an attractive feature for your farm, it’s more important that they are functional and suitable for your favorite horse. Three things you’ll want to take into consideration when building (or repairing) your fences – safety, effectiveness and appearance. Fence visibility is important for horses – avoid barbed and high-tensile wire where…

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  • Trail Riding Safety

    Enjoying the fall colors while on the trail is an ultimate way to relax and bond with your horse. However, there are some things you need to consider while trail riding to remain safe and have an enjoyable trip. Before you head out on the trails, be sure that your horse is conditioned to be…

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  • No hoof, no horse. We have all heard that saying and it is especially true. Your horse’s hooves play a huge role in circulation of blood throughout the body. The hooves also act as a shock absorber and cushion as the horse walks. A good quality hoof begins with a good quality hay and feed…

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  • Equine Owner Stress Management

    Stress. We all talk about it, but it is a serious issue with lasting effects. Last edition, we discussed some measures to control the stress levels of our equine partners. In this issue, I would like to focus on the stress levels as equine owners and discuss ways to alleviate the stress. As we all…

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