
  • Horse Club Activity: Picking Hooves

    The safety in knowing how to properly pick out your horses feet is irreplaceable. Regular hoof cleaning can help identify issues like thrush, loose shoes or bruising and keep the hooves healthy. Horse clubs can offer programs about how to properly clean a horses hoof safely for youth.

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  • Horse Club Activity: Tack Cleaning Day

    Cleaning tack can be a daunting task, but when you gather your horse club friends, it can be a fun, beneficial activity. Learning how to properly care for your tack is a lifelong skill that equestrians will utilize.

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  • Horse Club Activity: Tie the Knot

    The safety in knowing how to properly tie your horse is irreplaceable. Quick release knots are essential in cases of emergency. Horse clubs can offer a quick knot tying challenge activity for youth.

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  • Horse Club Activity: Halter Time

    Does it get more basic horsemanship than safely haltering a horse? Probably not, yet this portion is often glazed over to “get to the good stuff.” Spend some time in club discussing the importance of safely approaching and catching a horse. Demonstrate the different types of halters and their pressure points. A rope halter has…

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