Bit about Bits

Understanding and teaching bit action can be a challenge. Try to start with the basics, and add in some fun. Discuss the difference between the direct contact of the snaffle versus the indirect of the curb. Have students in groups of two with a bit and two lunge lines for each group. Have one student hold the bit using two hands and the other “driving” using the lunge lines as extra long reins. You can create something like a trail course or keep it simple. Focus on bit action and constant but light contact. Make sure each student gets to be the horse.

That’s A Wrap

Teach wraps by discussing different types (Sweat, standing, polo, etc.) as well as their uses and materials. Have materials for students to practice their wrapping. Either use a patient horse or the ever-patient table leg. Practice makes perfect! Be sure to demonstrate proper wrapping technique before asking students to practice.